Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 265
D20: 5
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


Giffie-Pet StoreGiffie-Pet PoundUnique Giffie-PetsOwning A Giffie-PetGiffie-Pet StaffGiffie Help

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2007-01-17 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: gross

2007-01-17 [phoenixborn]: Whatever you do, don't open the door!

2007-01-17 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: that is so true

2007-01-18 [Andy8178]: lol... Wow you're even worse off than me... Poor non-college student :P

2007-01-18 [phoenixborn]: Yes, that is me. I am a poor impoverished student of non-college. With a fear of old cheese sandwiches. And heights. And clowns. And fire. Actually, I love fire, I'm obsessed with fire. Just the whole burning-to-death thing that worries me.

2007-01-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *transforms into a giant immolating clown that fires missiles made out of old cheese* RUN [phoenixborn] RUN!!!!

2007-01-18 [phoenixborn]: Oh dear. You made me angry. I am not responible for the consequences. Do you know what i'm going to do now? Do you? DO YOU?? I'm going to CRY! That's right, i'm going to sit down, fold my arms and cry like a six year old girl in pigtails whos barbie just got eaten by the neighbours dog! How do you like that then?

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: aww dont cry and you be nice to him hes such a sweet and caring guy

2007-01-18 [Orochimaru]: ...*pokes the clown*...hmmm...i wonder if clowns taste weird...

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: hey dont even think about it

2007-01-18 [Orochimaru]: *chuckle*

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hiss*

2007-01-18 [Orochimaru]: ...

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *lays down*

2007-01-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: im confused. *transforms into a question mark*

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *just lays their doing nothing at all*

2007-01-18 [Andy8178]: you guys suck

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: who cares

2007-01-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: AHEM. *turns into a female question mark*

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *just lays there still*

2007-01-18 [phoenixborn]: *turns into a male question-mark*...*gropes Enneigard*

Hey I don't suck! Whatever you've heard was a lie, and those photos were fake!

2007-01-18 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: what photos

2007-01-19 [phoenixborn]: 'Twas a joke -_-

2007-01-19 [Orochimaru]: ...?

2007-01-19 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: thats kool then

2007-01-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *sits there in shock & groped* .....

2007-01-19 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *saves [Enneigard Rebirth]*

2007-01-19 [phoenixborn]: And how exactly did you save him?

2007-01-19 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: by tackling you

2007-01-21 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: heehee

2007-01-22 [Andy8178]: I'm back from New Jersey!! Whee!

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yay

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]: Yey 'tis Andy-Pandy *glomps*

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i might be gone for a while if the cable gets turned off because the internet is with it

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]: Aw why is your cable getting turned off? :(

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: because we might be going into debt

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]: But what about the sexy santa competition?? I need friends who will vote for me out of loyalty and pity! If you leave i won't get any votes!

2007-01-22 [Andy8178]: eh? Who would vote for you ugly?

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: he is not ugly and i will vote for him plus i found out she payed the cable bill so dont worry *hugs you*

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]: Exactly Andy, my uglyness can only win if I get the sympathy vote :P

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: your not ugly your sexy *hugs you*q

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]: *looks suspicious* you're either blind or you want something lol

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: neither

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]: Oh, I get it, you feel sorry for me and want to make me feel better?

2007-01-22 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: no i really like you and think your sexy

2007-01-22 [phoenixborn]:'re crazy but I like you :P

2007-01-23 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i like you to

2007-01-23 [phoenixborn]: Yay ^__^ Come on people feel the love, join in

2007-01-23 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea come on now


2007-01-24 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hugs every one*

2007-01-24 [Nytefox]: Sometimes I wonder if people like [BUH-BAI.] do that because they cant read, or because they just want to piss the giffie store people off...

And for the record wifey, you are sexy... and you have that sexy cowboy hat too... and I wont lie, you even make your smexy bass look bad next to you (but together, a dynamic duo)

2007-01-24 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i agree

2007-01-25 [zoloftzantac]: [BUH-BAI.] if you want a pet from this page you need to read the directions on this page.

Evryone else: If you guys are going to hang out here you need to help deal with customers. We are allowed to hang out here and be silly, but not if giffie customers get ignored and covered under pages of spam, okay?

2007-01-25 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: heehee

2007-01-25 [Nytefox]: sir yes sir ZZ!, what were we doing again that was so entertaining?

2007-01-25 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i have no clue

2007-01-25 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you ZZ...>< I've been ignoring the comments here...didn't even realize that there was a question. He's right, if you're going to hang out here, please help out with customers...all you have to do is tell them to read the directions on the page.

2007-01-25 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok

2007-01-26 [phoenixborn]: I usualy would have but I've onl been flitting to the page and out again. Sowwy :(

2007-01-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: its ok *hugs you*

2007-01-27 [Bookwyrm]: It's okay, David. Like I said...I work here and I've been ignoring comments here so don't feel bad. XD

2007-01-27 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i agree

2007-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: heh, yeah, people should really read the page in the first place so pretty much any person who asks a question isn't paying attention, but we still have to help them ;)

2007-01-28 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i will help to

2007-01-28 [zoloftzantac]: cool, thanks :D

2007-01-29 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: welcome

2007-01-30 [Andy8178]: Haven't been on forever just wanted to say HEYYY

2007-01-30 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: hey

2007-01-30 [phoenixborn]: Is that "HEYYY" as in the Fonz? Or would that be more "aaeeyyyy"?

2007-01-30 [Andy8178]: aaeeyyyy!!

2007-01-31 [kittykittykitty]: *sends in some more giffies* That should liven these remaining pets up a bit :D

o_______0 Somebody separate the dog from those cats ._.; and the cats from the birds... and keep the spiders away from the birds... and me x.X *pokes Andy* and NO eating X.x

2007-01-31 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yes hey as in the fonz

2007-02-01 [Andy8178]: Yep. You got it.

2007-02-01 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: kool

2007-02-14 [Andy8178]: Wow.. Good job, you killed this wiki :P

2007-02-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: <img://> happy V-day all

2007-02-14 [phoenixborn]: And for once, I shall not be sitting home on my own moping! XD How 'bout you Andy? And you cannot count yoursef as romantic company, it has to be someone else :P

2007-02-14 [Nytefox]: meh... I got to celebrate V-day early on the weekend when my date was actually home... otherwise, I got a snow day and get to buy more drugs (prescribed) and get to get a hair cut and nails done and go lifeguarding

2007-02-14 [Andy8178]: Your girlfriend has funny teeth :P

2007-02-14 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i hate hospitals

2007-02-14 [phoenixborn]: Yes maybe she has, but in all fairness I have a funny everything so the fact that anybody finds me attractive is amazing :P

2007-02-14 [Mental Terrorist]: You can have second pets??

2007-02-15 [phoenixborn]: Only in special circumstances, like if you have a special pet (like the killer rabbit). Otherwise you just have to be happy with one. Besides if you have more than onwe they might breed, and we'd have loads of little half breed whatsits running loose around Elfpack.

2007-02-15 [Mental Terrorist]: O.o Halfbreeds would be AWESOME!!

2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: No you can only have one pet.

2007-02-15 [Mental Terrorist]: Ok

2007-02-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: O.o

2007-02-15 [Andy8178]: Last night... The back seat of my Dad's Durango was awesome, and that's all I'm going to say ^_^ =X

2007-02-15 [kittykittykitty]: Eeeeew :/
I fortunately stayed home and alone last night. Well... not completely alone: I had my Neopets ^-^

February the 14th is just... ugggh... if somebody cares about me they can give me gifts and spend time with me all year round ;D Plus I'm not into marriage, so Saint Valentine doesn't do it for me :/

2007-02-15 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: me neither

2007-02-16 [phoenixborn]: I do agree with that. I don't need to be told when i can and can't show love and affection.

2007-02-16 [kittykittykitty]: *nods* And I don't like companies cheapening my displays of affection by trying to make money from them D:
Grrr... Capitalism.... -.-
I like to make cards rather than buy them :D

Blarg... and my relatives just don't understand why I don't want birthday presents -.-'

2007-02-16 [Bookwyrm]: :P I like birthday presents. Money and/or house supplies always flies well with me...forget expensive cd's or things like that...give me things I'll use every day and I'll love you for at least a year. XD

2007-02-16 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: thats cool i agree with that

2007-02-20 [Anvikit]: Greetings everyone :)

2007-02-20 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: greetings

2007-02-21 [Andy8178]: So... If I gave you a vacuum cleaner... You'd be okay with that? :P

2007-02-21 [Bookwyrm]: Actually I already have a vacuum cleaner. I got one for Christmas. Though if you got me an ORECK vacuum cleaner...then we'd talk. XD

2007-02-21 [Andy8178]: Uhh.. I'd give you a vacuum cleaner custom made that say, "Get to work, woman!" xD

2007-02-21 [Bookwyrm]: And I'd beat you over the head with a vaccuum that stated: "Do it yourself asshole!" ^_^

2007-02-21 [Andy8178]: hehehe [:

2007-02-21 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: it feels so happy in here

2007-02-21 [Bookwyrm]: That's 'cause it is. ^_^

2007-02-21 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yay i like happy

2007-02-22 [phoenixborn]: Who couldn't be happy when vaccum-based violence is afoot? ^__^

2007-02-22 [Bookwyrm]: Exactly David. Exactly. :P

2007-02-23 [phoenixborn]: Aw so we're all happy! *smacks everyone over the head with a vacuum with a smiley face on the front* ^__^

2007-02-23 [Bookwyrm]: -grabs David's vaccuum from him- Try that with me again and I'll show you some vaccuum violence. :P

2007-02-23 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *bites your butt*

2007-02-23 [Bookwyrm]: -blinks- You best not be talking about me. -_- My butt is my own, thank you.

2007-02-23 [Andy8178]: There will be no butt biting here :P

2007-02-23 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok i wont bite

2007-02-23 [phoenixborn]: *tears up* But...but...tis my Vaccuum cleaner! 'tis my best fwend :(

And Traci don't be so selfish. Share your butt :P

2007-02-23 [Bookwyrm]: -whacks David with his vaccuum cleaner again- I shan't share anything I don't want to! :P

2007-02-24 [kittykittykitty]: Do you think there's enough to go round? :PP *gets the barbeque ready*

2007-02-24 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: awsome

2007-02-24 [zoloftzantac]: I've had that vaccuum cleaner since I was a child, why are people always trying to take it away from me <img:quesN-gif.gif><img:an.gif>

2007-02-24 [phoenixborn]: I think there's more than enough for everyone. Hell, we could feed the five thousand on that thing :P

2007-02-25 [Bookwyrm]: -glares at David- I know you just didn't! -smushes his cheetos-

2007-02-25 [phoenixborn]: *raises eyebrow* Oh, it is on. *sucks up every remaining pretzel in the world with vacuum cleaner*

2007-02-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: hi

2007-02-26 [Andy8178]: If you go here: Bouncers They think they know how to insult >:] It's cute :P

2007-02-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: ok i will but i might not be nice to them

2007-02-26 [Romantic Rebellion]: so where can i view the rare pets?

2007-02-26 [kittykittykitty]: You are a very argumentative person aren't you Andy??

Pets are listed in the Normal Pet Storehouse. If you have a rare pet ticket (which I presume you do), you can have any pet on there that you like :) It doesn't have to be an Exotica if you like one of the normal pets better, but the exotica are exclusive to ticket holders.

2007-02-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yes exactly what she just said

2007-02-26 [Andy8178]: Hahaha, I have fun with retards from... Dumbass, Earth.... on Bouncers

2007-02-26 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh

2007-03-01 [james2077]: K K K question? does a Unique Giffie-Pets ticket that i have give me the right to get a killer rabbitt??? and if so who do i get into touch with

2007-03-01 [kittykittykitty]: Have you looked at Unique Giffie-Pets? Those are one-of-a-kind pets that will never leave you! I think the ticket should allow you to have any pet you want, but it would seem like a waste to me ;) Still... your ticket. I guess it's your choice :3
Message [Bookwyrm] with your request and name of the pet :)

2007-03-02 [im the one yall love to hate]: hey is there any penguins

2007-03-02 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: sorry but there are no penguins here

2007-03-02 [Andy8178]: David... You totally just like... Obliterated any sense of being they have left.. I thought it was quite funny :P... Considering they started the entire thing.. They couldn't finish it haha

2007-03-03 [phoenixborn]: Why thankyou, I quite enjoyed myself lol there were actually a couple of other comments from me but they deleted them cause they couldn't answer lol Though there's no way [Ihsahn] could delete the last one cause he'd be calling himself racist lol wow I out-guarded a guard ^__^

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: Hahaha, it's true... I think he should be booted off the guards personally.. I almost got ZZ involved.

2007-03-03 [phoenixborn]: Yeah I remember how long it took for him to get my badge for the Ode to Sunrose Poetry Contest. And He ignored any attempts to press him for them, yet I saw him laughing with someone saying he'd lost them.

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: Doesn't matter [Ihsahn] is still a tool :P

2007-03-03 [phoenixborn]: No he isn't- Tools usually serve a purpose.

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: How did he become guard?

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: Impeach Ihsahn xD

2007-03-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: why you talking bout him behind his back??

2007-03-03 [Big Brother]: geez i missed alot......bashing [Ihsahn], getting ZZ involved........i'm almost interested enough to go read more....but no.

oh....and if you have complaints about a guard why go to ZZ? guards can't do much about guards, that is why i'm in existance, Captains normally deel with that stuff ^_^ that or the wardens.

2007-03-03 [Big Brother]: Kitty, your responce about getting a killer rabbit with a unique ticket.....Traci does not do anything but normal pets, all them questions go to me.

2007-03-03 [Fear of the Soul]: Whheeeeeee.... hey peoples... alot of hating around here...

2007-03-03 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yea there is

2007-03-03 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun!

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: Hahaha Jon... I don't want him fired... Yet.. I just want another guard to say to him that he's an idiot... And I want [Ihsahn] to realize this :P That's all

2007-03-03 [Fear of the Soul]: lol niiiice...

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: Then I'll get Jon to do something about him :P.. If I ever get an Elfpack Title... I want my name to be Mischievious >=)

2007-03-03 [Big Brother]: dude.....we are all idiots....

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: but the idiots that stick out... They are the true idiots >:]

2007-03-03 [Big Brother]: i don't stick out cause i disappear alot.....

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: hahaha, well considering you know the basic mechanics and functions of computer programming.. I'm sure you know enough to program a decently complex virus, then that makes you not an idiot.

2007-03-03 [Big Brother]: virus's are easy....and knowledge does not prove non-idiocy, just means you are a smart moron.

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: ... A smart moron is still better than an idiot... by definition an idiot is the lowest of all intelligence.. Moron being a little above that :P

2007-03-03 [Big Brother]: ya, well to me they are the same

2007-03-03 [Andy8178]: A smart moron... Is the same as an idiot?... That makes no sense.

2007-03-03 [blonde_princess]: please can i have apet i dont know how to get one plz can i have one im a good girl i promise

2007-03-03 [phoenixborn]: As it states in the page, you must message [Bookwyrm] with your request. But first please read the rules to Owning a Giffie-Pet. This should make it all clearer for you :)

2007-03-04 [kittykittykitty]: ACCEPT NO FLUFFIES X.X

2007-03-04 [kittykittykitty]: What happened to our no-fluffies policy? :P

Traci does not do anything but normal pets, all them questions go to me
Ok Jon, I'll remember that for next time :) I should have realised

2007-03-04 [Big Brother]: ^_^

2007-03-04 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: oh

2007-03-04 [Bookwyrm]: Meh. I'm too lazy to weed out all the Fluffies. I have turned down a few I think...

2007-03-05 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: its ok

2007-03-05 [Andy8178]: Weed out all the Fluffies!!! RAWRR... Kittykittykitty.. You should put me on staff with the Elfpack Jokes [:

2007-03-05 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: no comment`

2007-03-06 [zoloftzantac]: hmm ... well, Andy, do you have what it takes to be one of kitties bitches? She is very demanding on us you know

2007-03-06 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: i still have your eye on my wall [zoloftzantac]

2007-03-06 [phoenixborn]: I think that may be what Andy is hoping for ;)

2007-03-06 [Andy8178]: No... I just like to bitch out stupid people... Actually.

2007-03-06 [phoenixborn]: My god then how come you've never bitched me out?

2007-03-06 [Andy8178]: Rofl

2007-03-06 [phoenixborn]: Aww but I want you to Bitch me out. If you don't I'll feel inadequate.

2007-03-06 [kittykittykitty]: If you can find yourself a job to do there Andy then you are hired :P

2007-03-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: same here. *stands there listening to the song Enjoy The Abuse by Combichrist*

2007-03-06 [phoenixborn]: ENNEEII!!!!!!!!! *tacklehugs*

2007-03-06 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: *hugs every one*

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Everyone at once? Wow, clever XD *hugs*

2007-03-07 [kittykittykitty]: # of watchers: 253
You must have long arms 0_0

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: Kitty, there's plenty to do.. Just give me privileges to delete comments and I'll do just that, when neccessary.

2007-03-07 [Psycho ShadowBlood]: yup i do

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Andy you just want to be able to say you have power :P

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: Who says I don't have power already?

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Oh yes, and what power do you have? :P

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: You're my bitch tomorrow.

2007-03-07 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah. But he's my bitch today. So back off. ;)

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: *waves flag* Fight fight fight fight ^__^

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: Nah, I'll wait my turn, don't wanna piss off the mistress. I heard she likes whips and leather.... and rope.

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Heh, that's why I make a point of pissing her off ;)

2007-03-07 [Bookwyrm]: :D Don't forget chains. And blowtorches...daggers...matches...^_^ Maybe a delicious dai-katana...

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: Too bad you don't live in Florida >_> I'd... take those things from you and kidnap you Bwahahahaha

2007-03-07 [Bookwyrm]: You can take my katana...and my daggers...maybe my blowtorches. But you can't have my iron maiden. Too many memories with that thing. ^__^

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: Woahhh :P

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Whoah hold it just please let her keep the whips and chains. That's all I ask :P

2007-03-07 [Andy8178]: I'd still kidnap you :P

2007-03-07 [phoenixborn]: Heyy if your taking her then I'm afraid you have to take me with

2007-03-07 [Bookwyrm]: Excuse me...if I've got all my tools with me, I'd like to see you try and kidnap me. And if I've got my soldier nearby, you've got no luck.

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